Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Nancy and Bill's New Year's Letter

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! And…you know what THAT means…the annual Kern Christmas newsletter is LATE! We had a difference in opinion of how this year’s letter should be – you know me, I like long, drawn out and witty (because how else can you be witty without all of the long, drawn out details?) and Bill said it should be short and sweet (Hello! Merry Christmas! Bye, bye now!) So, we compromised and this is it…and one of the reasons it’s late!!!

Nancy (N): Went all year without a job. Bill (B): Where the heck did all our money go?

N: No job, nothing else to do so flew out to Pennsylvania to see my family a few times. B: Oh sure…no one cares about how much airline tickets cost these days…

N and B: Got addition to our family January 2005 – rescued five-year old Exotic cat named Abby. (Exotic is fancy name for Persian-face cat w/short hair). It’s been a year, but twelve-year-old Sushi and three-year-old Bitty STILL hate her. B: Great…another mouth to feed.

B: Getting used to being Chairman of Economics Dept. at Western Michigan University. Have to make more money somehow since wife has no job and goes to breakfast and/or lunch and/or movies and/or shopping with friends every day.
Things running more smoothly; good thing secretaries really like me so offer to help a lot. In between soap-opera-watching and bon-bon eating, Nancy helped me organize my e-mail system (whaddaya mean I can save e-mail addresses in the address book…what address book?). No time to golf as much, but still managed to get in quite a few rounds this summer. Also didn’t have time to go to Tampa for Spring Break this year. Went into deep depression until summer.

N: Spent days eating bon-bons, watching soap operas, going to breakfast and/or lunch and/or movies and/or shopping with friends. Can’t figure out how I gained 17 pounds. B: You do realize that money from the ATM is not free money, right?

N: No job, so thought I’d have plenty of time to organize all my pictures into scrapbooks, clean out all the closets, donate all the clothes we no longer wear, organize recipes, catch up on my reading. Did none of those.

N and B: In May, went to Riviera Maya, Mexico to celebrate Nancy’s 40 tenth birthday. Laying out on beach, snorkeling, swimming and food was great – turning 40 ten was not. B: Whaddaya mean you want to go to Mexico???!!! Do you think money grows on trees?

N: Went to Myrtle Beach for a week in July w/Bill’s sister Pattie to look for vacation/retirement homes. Stayed in very exclusive Pauley’s Island golf-community condo (totally wasted on Pattie and me since we don’t golf) and hung out at great restaurants, shopping centers and tourist attractions. Had great time – forgot all about looking at homes…. B: Sheesh….no wonder all our money’s gone…

N and B: Went on 12-day Alaskan cruise in August. Awestruck by majestic glaciers, bald eagles, bears and whales. Bill caught a zillion salmon on fly-fishing expedition in Ketchikan – arm was not useable for several days afterward. N: He couldn’t even help me carry all my shopping bags! B: I just can’t take the spending anymore….although I do admit the fishing was incredible!

N and B: Went to Florida for two weeks for Christmas vacation. Bill got his golf fix and Nancy got her sun fix. B: Since golf was involved….the money thing wasn’t as painful…

N: Sick of hearing about money thing. Starting job January 3rd with former TV co-worker and Sports Anchor who was also let go from station after fifteen years. He’s acquired established State Farm Insurance Agency from agent who is ready to retire. Retiring agent has never advertised, marketed or promoted his business, yet was very successful and owns three homes and several luxury vehicles. Our plan is simple – advertise, market and promote and get as rich as possible! I have to go to school in Jan. and Feb. and pass a bunch of tests so I can do whatever it is we’re supposed to do; neither of us knows how to do anything yet – sounds like the perfect get-rich-quick plan! B: A job? Yay!!! It’s about time!

N and B: That was the mini- version of our 2005. We hope 2006 is a wonderful year for all of you and know you join us in praying for all of our soldiers who are sacrificing their lives to preserve our peace and freedom. We wish for you and your family peace, love, joy, good health and prosperity. If you are ever anywhere near Kalamazoo, please come see us!


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